7 Reasons Why Baby Sleep is so Important
Since day one of parenting I’ve been a true believer of sleep schedules. It used to drive my mother in law crazy how anal I was, but she got over it when she saw the benefits it had on my son. Baby sleep is important and it really does make a huge impact on your daily lives. Today I am sharing 7 reasons why baby sleep really does matter.
I partnered with Newton Baby and Top Bloggers for this Sponsored post. Of course I am sharing my own honest opinions and experiences.
7 Reasons Why Baby Sleep is so Important
During sleep your body is working to support healthy brain function, fight off infection, reduce stress and promote growth and development. Sleep is huge!
Babies come in all shapes and sizes just like adults do. But did you know that babies that get less sleep are usually chunkier? I love those chubby cheeks and chunky thighs, but you want to make sure they are that way for healthy reasons like mama’s milk and not lack of sleep.
It’s actually said that your growth hormone is the most active during deep sleep. Which is probably why babies sleep a lot and grow fast the first couple years of their life.
Babies need good sleep to grow.
I remember shopping for a crib mattress and I must have researched for weeks. I wanted to make sure it was safe, breathable, washable and recyclable. Plus comfortable of course. Newton Baby has all of that and more. Hopefully you stumbled upon this page on day 1 of research and don’t have to look any further, because this mattress is the best.
Baby Sleep Matters
Babies that get better sleep are known to be more alert and happier. That also makes for a happy mommy. I’m sure you have probably had a day where you got little sleep the night before and you felt like you were dragging all day long. Can you imagine your baby feeling that way? Terrible… At least we get coffee 😉
Newton Baby provides safe restful sleep for babies. The mattresses are made from food grade polymer and no harsh chemicals which gives me peace of mind knowing my baby is sleeping safe.
Babies learn more when they have good sleep. Babies brains are always working and growing even when they sleep. A well rested baby is more attentive and in tune with what is going on around them (which means they actually learn more than the fussy tired baby).
Being able to wake up happy and play all day is the best feeling ever.
This isn’t about ways to get your baby to sleep… but I will say I’m all for establishing a calm bedtime routine and sticking with it. As well as a comfortable sleeping situation.
I love the philosophy behind Newton Baby. I can tell they really get it!
Good luck on your parenting journey and feel free to leave me a comment below sharing your baby stories. I love connecting with you.
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