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10 Books about Rainbows for Preschoolers

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Books are the Best! We love reading and love to incorporate great books into all of our themed learning. Hopefully, you do too. These 10 Awesome Books about Rainbows are perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and Kindergarten. Add these fun color books to your bookshelf during a themed color week or during the spring season. Your children will love these books.

Children’s Books about Rainbows

10 Great Books about Rainbows, Rainbow books for preschoolers, Picture Books, Science, Books for a preschool Color Themes, These Rainbow books are Perfect for Spring, Great for toddlers, preschoolers, and Kindergarten

10 Books about Rainbows for Preschoolers

Your kids will love reading about rainbows and pretty colors. They’ll also learn what makes a rainbow. Everyone knows rainbows look magical, so have fun reading these with your children.

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What Makes a Rainbow?: A Magic Ribbon Book  by Bendon Inc.


A Rainbow of My Own by Don Freeman


Elmer and the Rainbow  David McKee


The Deep Blue Sea: A Book of Colors  by Audrey Wood


Rainbow Colors (Dk Peekaboo) by DK


Light Makes a Rainbow (Science Readers) by Sharon Coan      


The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister


Chasing Rainbows (Dr. Suess) by Tish Rabe


If Kisses Were Colors by Janet Lawler  


The Rainbow and You by Edwin C. Krupp


Rainbow Books

A Rainbow of My OwnHow the Crayons Saved the RainbowPlanting a RainbowChasing Rainbows (Dr. Seuss/Cat in the Hat) (Pictureback(R))

Did you find new books about rainbows for your children to enjoy?

Do you have a favorite rainbow book at home that isn’t on the list?

I would love to hear about it, so I can make sure to read it with my children. Feel free to leave a comment sharing below or visit us on Facebook.

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10 Great Books about Rainbows, Rainbow books for preschoolers, Picture Books, Science, Books for a preschool Color Themes, These Rainbow books are Perfect for Spring, Great for toddlers, preschoolers, and Kindergarten

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