CTC Math for Multisensory Learning

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Finding a math curriculum that works for your homeschoolers can be challenging. There are so many different math programs out there! Not to mention the expense involved in testing out multiple math programs in your quest to find the right one.

As a homeschooling mom, I know the struggle. And I’m excited to share this online math program with you.

Plus, You can receive a HUGE BONUS that I share below just for Natural Beach Living readers.

The CTC Math program is a budget-friendly multi-sensory approach to learning math that’s perfect for homeschool learning.

We are so excited about the CTC Math program from Pat Murray! 

CTC’s multi-sensory approach works for kids with different learning styles, different strengths, and challenges. Want to learn more about the CTC Math program and try it with your kids too? Keep reading to discover our favorite aspects of the program. 

CTC Math is Budget Friendly

CTC math is less expensive than many other math curriculum options. It’s all online, so you won’t need multiple books or expensive manipulatives to teach math this year. 

Unlike other online programs, there’s no monthly fee per student. The CTC program is available for every grade and the whole family at one low annual price. Plus, you can get the program for your homeschooling family ½ off!

With this budget-friendly math curriculum, you’ll save lots of time and make learning math fun. It’s perfect for big families and still a great deal for families homeschooling only one kiddo too.

The CTC Math program is a budget-friendly multi-sensory approach to learning math that’s perfect for homeschool learning.

We Love the CTC Approach to Teaching Math

One reason we’re excited about the CTC approach to teaching math is that it’s online. Screens are engaging for kids and perfect for encouraging reluctant learners to give this new math program a chance. Plus, having an online math program makes it easy to take your lessons wherever you go this year.

As homeschoolers, we don’t always do school at a table or desk. Instead, school happens wherever we are or want to be each day. Sometimes school happens outside in the backyard or at the farm. Sometimes it’s in the car as we travel on a field trip, vacation, or run errands.

Wherever we are, CTC math can go with us. Plus, the lessons are short and concise. The creator, Pat Murray, takes a new approach to teaching math that I think your whole family will like. He spends 4 minutes or less explaining new concepts in a friendly, to-the-point way.

Then, kids get to practice what they’ve learned for most of the designated “lesson” time. This style is perfect for kinesthetic learners who learn best with a hands-on approach. Plus, it increases retention for all learners by giving them lots of practice with each new math skill.

CTCMath is on grade level or beyond. Believe it or not, that has been hard to find.

Another reason we love CTC math is that you can repeat lessons as often as needed. You can also jump around in grade levels you aren’t locked into one grade level for an entire year!

Kids and parents can reflect on lessons and skills already covered or mastered, even at different grade levels if needed. I’m excited about the ability to revisit some multiplication lessons with our older learners who might need extra practice.

The CTC Math program is a budget-friendly multi-sensory approach to learning math that’s perfect for homeschool learning.

Weekly Math Progress Reports Keep Us On Track

Detailed progress reports via email are perfect for keeping you updated about your kids’ progress each week. You’ll be able to quickly assess how your homeschoolers are doing with their math program from your email. There’s no need to remember to log into a “parent portal” or set a reminder to check on their progress with CTC math progress reports.

If your homeschoolers are struggling or need extra practice, they can repeat the lessons as often as needed. There’s no limit to how many times they can go back and review skills, even if they need to go back to an entire grade level!

Should you ever decide the weekly updates on their progress are a bit too much information, you can turn them off. That way, you know your inbox won’t be getting extra updates if your children are successfully breezing through their math lessons. 

The CTC Math program is a budget-friendly multi-sensory approach to learning math that’s perfect for homeschool learning.

CTC Math Curriculum

Committing to a new math curriculum is a big deal, especially if you’ve already tried a few different math programs without success. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend your curriculum dollars test driving the CTC math curriculum.

CTC Math is so sure you’ll love the program that they are offering a half-price discount plus a bonus 6-months just with this special offer.

It will only be available for three days, so this bonus expires on 8/19/22.