The Best DIY Montessori Materials
If you are on the hunt for the best ways to save money and still incorporate the Montessori philosophy into your home you have come to the right place. These DIY Montessori materials are so easy and will have you breathing a huge sigh of relief.
Make Your Own Montessori Materials

The Best DIY Montessori Materials
I observed little children; I sensed their needs; I tried to fulfill them: they call that the Montessori Method.
– Maria Montessori
This post is totally inspired by the class I recently took with Age of Montessori. During the class a question that came up a few times is “what can we do if we can’t afford all of the materials?” You definitely don’t need all of the materials. They stressed that several times in the class. You can easily incorporate the Montessori philosophy and learning into your everyday life without having tons of materials. Today I am sharing just how easy it is.
DIY Montessori Activities
Here you can find DIY Montessori Math Activities with Free Printables. It includes Counting Cards and DIY Spindle Baskets that can be set up for just a few dollars.
The Kavanaugh Report shares these beautiful DIY Montessori Infant Mobiles. They are amazing!
Looking for Practical Life ideas? We put together a sweet toddler prep kitchen, shared practical life activities and a great chore/task chart free printable.

The greatest DIY Montessori Pink Tower and Brown Stair that I have seen comes from Making Montessori Ours. Perfect for every home!
This great Lock and Key idea comes from Kathy’s Montessori Life. It is really easy to put together and a great tool for your child’s mind and fine motor skills.
We are total Geography buffs and absolutely love learning more and more about different places. I was thrilled to put together these DIY Montessori Continent Boxes.
Everyone that has visited Natural Beach Living before knows we LOVE taking learning outdoors just like Maria Montessori. So when I saw these amazing DIY landforms from Planting Peas I was in awe.

Also check out our wonderful series 12 Months of Montessori Learning. Every month 10 fabulous bloggers get together and share ideas on a specific theme. You don’t want to miss it.
Our goal is not so much the imparting of knowledge as the unveiling of spiritual energy.
– Maria Montessori
I absolutely love this quote from Maria Montessori and feel if you can remember this the rest will come easy.
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