Elementary Art for Kids with ARTistic Pursuits (review)
I have had my eye on ARTistic Pursuits Inc. for over a year and was so excited that this year we were going to add it to our homeschooling plans. I have always heard great things about it and really thought it would be perfect for my boys. I decided to start with ARTistic Pursuits Inc. Early Elementary K-3 Book One, because I like to include everyone into our homeschool art lessons and thought it would be a lot of fun. Elementary art here we come…

Elementary Art for Kids
ARTistic Pursuits Inc.
This art curriculum had me excited right when I opened it for the ease of use and easy open and teach book. I absolutely loved the pictures and the boxes that tell you what the lesson is teaching and helpful parent notes. For me as their mom and teacher it gave me added confidence and the skills to share with them.
ARTistic Pursuits offers curriculum for Preschool through High School making it easy for you to find an art curriculum that works for your children.
In this book Early Elementary K-3 Book One it offers 36 lessons with projects. It was designed to involve the student in the creative process and it truly works. My boys were really interested as we went through the lessons and got to see master works of art.

Personally, we do art lessons 2 times a week. They have the option to use the art materials anytime they want, but I feel like a couple of art lessons a week is perfect for our schedule. It also gives us the option to take weeks off anytime there is a holiday or we just need a school break.
In this lesson that I have shared here they were taught about drawing in color with oil pastels. They observed and talked about the painting Suido Bridge and Surugadai. The lesson was to explore underwater subjects (we used Safari toob sea life) and use that as inspiration for their art. It was a lot of fun to watch them and see how proud they are of their art.

Their Masterpieces from this week.
Would I recommend Artistic Pursuits
Definitely! It’s the perfect art curriculum for every homeschooler. It has so much to offer and personally I think the price is well worth it. Especially since you can use this curriculum for a multi-age group.

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