The Best Hands on Learning Human Anatomy Activities (free printables)
This month for 12 months of Montessori we are sharing Human Anatomy Activities. Learning about your body and how it works starts at a very early age. That is why I felt like these hands-on learning ideas would be perfect to share for preschoolers on up. I think you will have fun teaching human anatomy activities to your kids and they will love learning this way. Have fun!
Human Anatomy Activities for Kids
The Best Hands on Learning Human Anatomy Activities
We have had an amazing month long unit study with great hands-on learning activities. You can head over to Montessori Human Anatomy Activities to see how we explored human organs PLUS download your free printables here.
The Pinay Homeschooler has this really cool post on the Anatomy of the Human Heart for Kids . My 7 year old actually asked for a heart model for Christmas. I think that’s awesome and I’m really excited to include these ideas in our learning.
You’ll love these activities from Spell OUTLOAD. It is all about the Human Body: Learning About Cells.
Hands-on Science: What is blood made of? I Can Teach My Child had a great idea with this cool sensory/science idea. This looks like so much fun!
How about making a Life-Sized Felt Anatomy Model? This idea from Fun at Home with Kids is genius. Love it!!!
You definitely don’t want to miss these Montessori Inspired Hands on learning Skeleton activities. I especially love the pasta idea 😉
For a great starting point for your hands-on learning, check out all of these amazing anatomy books and learning aids for your children.
I hope you enjoyed all of these great human anatomy activities. You can easily make up the most exciting biology unit study ever with these great ideas.
Please feel free to share any of your pictures on my Facebook page or in our group. We love when you share your pictures and ideas with us.
Monthly Themes for the 12 Months of Montessori Learning

This is The Best Montessori Series Ever!
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