The Best Harry Potter Party Ideas and Printables for Kids
Recently our family has become a little Harry Potter obsessed. We started reading the books aloud this year and decided we would have a family movie night every couple of weeks to watch the movies. The kids were hooked on Harry Potter immediately. They run through the woods and play games like they are wizards, they have created their potions and spell books for fun. So when it came time for thinking of birthday party ideas, it was easy to pick the theme. I hope you enjoy these awesome Harry Potter Party Ideas and Printables as much as we did.
Harry Potter Party Ideas
The Best Harry Potter Party Ideas and Printables
Every Harry Potter fan needs their own wand so head over to Ollivanders to see which wand is the perfect match.
Ollivanders Wand Making
Easy to set up DIY Wands
Collect sticks outside
Cut and sand the sticks (They should be approximately 14 in. to 16in. long) – It is good to have these ready to go before the party.
Paints and paint brushes
Every Harry Potter Birthday Party Needs a Potions Class
All you need is a few kitchen ingredients and glass bottles, jars, or vases.
The potion mixtures lots of baking soda, colored vinegar, and glitter. Feel free to add in a little Karo syrup if you want for a different consistency.
Harry Potter Sensory Bottle
Hogwarts Owl Posting
These ty owls stuffed animals made the perfect decoration and play area for the kids plus they were able to pick their very own owl to take home.
A couple of fun Harry Potter snacks that we had were Jelly Slugs, Chocolate Frogs, Levitating Lemon Drops, and Owl Cupcakes. I’ve made fun treat bag tags for you to send some home with your guests. You can grab the printables below.
The Coolest Harry Potter Slime Ever – A Harry Potter Gift Bag Idea or in this case a Jar of Slime Potion.
Grab your printables below and Click Here for Slime Recipes or head over to Little Bins for Little Hands for even more slime ideas.
These Harry Potter Printables were the biggest hit at the birthday party. I hope you can enjoy them too.
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(Printables are under Party Ideas on the Free Printables Page – you’ll be directed there right after signing up)
A Few Fun Gift Ideas for Your Harry Potter Fan
What do you think about these magical Harry Potter Party Ideas? Do you have a favorite thing or another idea we can add to our next party? I’d love for you to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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