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The Importance of Reading Books

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No matter the age of a child, the importance of reading books is one that makes a lifelong impact on them and their education. If you’re wondering how important reading truly is, this informative post will open your eyes to the real gift of reading books.

Why Reading is Important

The Importance of Reading Books, All of the information you need for Why Reading is Important and about Reading Habits, If you're interested in the importance of reading, reading challenges, kids reading nooks or any reasons why reading is the BEST you'll find it here.

The Importance of Reading Books

When it comes to reading books, there isn’t anything that can take its place. Books have been around for an extremely long time and will continue to be around for many years to come. And while many people worried and thought that the Kindles of the world were going to replace books, it’s just really not all that likely.

So, why all the hoopla about books? What truly makes them so special and why do people keep turning page after page of what’s been those two covers? In all honesty, the answer isn’t about why books are so important but more so in the fact that reading books do so much more for your mind than what people realize.

The Importance of Reading Books, All of the information you need for Why Reading is Important and about Reading Habits, If you're interested in the importance of reading, reading challenges, kids reading nooks or any reasons why reading is the BEST you'll find it here.

The Importance of Reading Books

From a very young age, books are the building block of education. And while children don’t necessarily begin to start reading until the ages of 4 and up, there are still so many amazing benefits that come from books.

Why are books so important?

When it comes down to it, books teach so many things and lessons about life. The words tell a story, and the pictures in books put a visualization with it. Kids all learn differently, right? Some enjoy reading the words and sitting and processing them while others prefer to look at the pictures. Books allow the difference between visual learners and verbal learns to be okay, and both are a great way to keep educating their minds more and more.

What are the benefits of reading books?

The benefits are vast and vary widely, but there are some essential benefits that every person, no matter their age, can obtain from reading books.

  • Children expand their vocabulary and mind in terms of how to sound out and pronounce words
  • Sitting and reading a book can be a great way to lower stress
  • Even as adults, every book read continues to build their verbal knowledge and communication skills
  • Those are just a few of the reasons why reading books is important, Click here for 10 more reasons reading is important
The Importance of Reading Books, All of the information you need for Why Reading is Important and about Reading Habits, If you're interested in the importance of reading, reading challenges, kids reading nooks or any reasons why reading is the BEST you'll find it here.

The Importance of Reading Books To Your Children

So that you know a bit about why reading books are important overall, let’s dive into why starting at a young age is the perfect building block for furthering their knowledge and minds.

Did you know that sitting and taking the time to read to your children not only helps them grow academically but also strengthens the bond that you have with them? So many times when your child needs you or wants you to do something for them, you’ll find that they might cozy up to you and hand you a book. There is a reason for this. The reasoning is that they feel a bond with you when you’re reading to them.

Just think about everything that goes on when you’re reading a book to your child. They hear your voice, they’re listening to you pronounce words, your child is more than likely soaking in everything that you’re saying and doing, and they get to be snuggled up next to you for that physical support and comfort as well.

This is why so many parents and children read stories together right before bedtime. Reading books to your child calms them emotionally and mentally in a way that can help them prepare for a better night’s rest.

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How does reading books set your child up for success?

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that just because you’re taking the time to read books to your child doesn’t automatically mean that they’re going to be strong academically or not have struggles learning in life. Every child and their ability to learn is different, and that’s 100% okay. However, by taking the time to read books to your child, you are simply creating an atmosphere that MAY help them in their future be able to comprehend and study better than if you didn’t read to them.

Reading books fosters imagination in children

When’s the last time that you read a great book? Think about how you sat there and enjoyed page after page and then almost felt sad when it was over. This was partly because you imagined right along with the book. Something in those words took hold of you, grabbed your attention, spoke to you, and had you soaking up every single word.

That is amazing, and that right there is the perfect example of what books can do for a child’s imagination as well. Providing your children with a book, any book starts that process of thinking about the “what if’s” that they would deal with if this were their life, too. Even if they can’t read, they can still imagine and see the pictures and create ideas and thoughts from that.

The Importance of Reading Books, All of the information you need for Why Reading is Important and about Reading Habits, If you're interested in the importance of reading, reading challenges, kids reading nooks or any reasons why reading is the BEST you'll find it here.

Reading books is a great way to get away from technology

Telling your little one that it’s time to step away from the TV or tablet is one thing, but then getting them to turn their attention to something else is another. This is where books can save the day.

Our society is set up to where all of us, of all ages, feel as though we have to be constantly entertained. And truth be told, everyone we are and look there is some form of electronic available to use. Phones, computers, laptops, gaming systems, tablets, smart watches, Alexa…you name it. Many people fear the use of technology will harm the book industry and cause it to become almost obsolete within the next few years.

But guess what? You can do your part in showing that books aren’t going anywhere.

The next time that your kids, or you, are glued to the screen, separate and hand them a book instead. Set limits on what they can watch and do and counteract it with the balance of reading books as well.

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Reading books teach your child about a vast number of topics

If you’ve ever doubted what can be found by reading books, it’s time to head to the library. Thousands of books are just sitting on the shelves, waiting to explore. And who knew that there were so many books written by people who love reading and want to share that passion with you.

Depending on the age of your child, there are kids’ books, juvenile books, young adult books, and a mixture of anything and everything else you can imagine. Your child can walk into the library, check out books about sharks, unicorns, American Girl dolls, sports, or anything else they are interested in, and take books home to read. How amazing is that?

Plus, as your child ages and tougher topics and times start happening in their lives, books can be a great way to connect and talk about what they’ve read and how it applies to their life.

Reading books expands the vocabulary of all ages

People often find the excuse not to read a book because they say that they can’t pronounce or understand a word. And honestly, that’s fine. Not every word on every page has to be read 100% correct. Part of the reason that books are so amazing is that if you can’t pronounce a word or understand it correctly, you can pretty much assume that you’ll figure it out because of the surrounding words or paragraphs on a page.

But what happens when your child starts reading words and it’s apparent that they aren’t pronouncing any of them correctly? Do you correct them or let them continue to read?

This all depends on how you want your child to learn. Some teachers and parents believe that by sounding out the words to the best of their ability helps your child’s mind to understand how to put words together. Others think that correcting your child on the first try is the key. It is up to you and how you want to teach.

Just remember that most times when you’re talking to someone and they pronounce a word wrong, it isn’t because they don’t know what the word means. More than likely, they read that word themselves in a book and educated themselves on the meaning, but possibly didn’t know exactly how to say it correctly. Saying words wrong isn’t a sign of unintelligence; it’s a sign that the word was probably taught via a book or other written form.

The Importance of Reading Books, All of the information you need for Why Reading is Important and about Reading Habits, If you're interested in the importance of reading, reading challenges, kids reading nooks or any reasons why reading is the BEST you'll find it here.

Reading books to your child allows you to show off your silly side

Let’s face it. Being a parent or a teacher can be downright hard. Some days it may feel like all you’re doing is correctly or continually butting heads with your child. And while no one wants to be the mean parent in all of this, it is important to find that balance between parenting and also to be there emotionally for them, too.

Reading can honestly help with that. Sitting down and reading with your child can show them a side of you that they may not usually see. Have fun when you’re reading with them, and showcase some silly voices or fun actions to accompany the words. The more that you can get active and into the book, the more interest that you’re building for your child as well.

Take turns reading paragraphs or pages and make your best impressions, too. There’s nothing wrong with turning your reading time together into a truly memorable bonding moment also!

The Importance of Reading Books, All of the information you need for Why Reading is Important and about Reading Habits, If you're interested in the importance of reading, reading challenges, kids reading nooks or any reasons why reading is the BEST you'll find it here.

Should reading books become a habit that you instill in your child?

Of course, I say yes. But, it’s really up to you and your household, but reading books can be a great habit to instill. There are so many adults nowadays that don’t read books because it was “something we just didn’t do growing up.” What a shame that they are missing out on all that imagination and fun time just because they didn’t learn the importance of reading growing up.

Habits are meant to be used and formed, but that doesn’t mean that you have to do them daily. If you want to instill a habit of reading in your child, set up a plan to make it happen. It can be daily, or it can be every other day… whatever works for you and your little ones.

The one thing to keep in mind when you are setting up a habit is that you don’t want to create it, so it feels forced on them. One thing is for sure when it comes to children if they feel as though they are being “made” to do something, they are going to give resistance to it instead of participating.

When creating a reading schedule in your household, stop and think about ways that you can make it fun. Maybe it might be during snack time so that they’re enjoying a treat while also nourishing their brains. Or have quiet reading time when you’re answering emails in the morning so that they know it’s only for about 15 minutes or so and then they’ll be on to do the next activity.

One thing is for sure. Kids who read often showcase different skillsets than those who don’t. As a parent and teacher, you can set that strong foundation so that they can do their best academically and emotionally in life. Allow books to be their escape when they need to “get away.” Give them the green light to stay up past their bedtime to read. All of those options are things that can and will help them grow.

The Importance of Reading Books, All of the information you need for Why Reading is Important and about Reading Habits, If you're interested in the importance of reading, reading challenges, kids reading nooks or any reasons why reading is the BEST you'll find it here.

The next time you question the importance of reading, remember that every word on every page in every single book has value. Reading provides value to the minds of your child and benefits to the building blocks of their future education.

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The Importance of Reading Books, All of the information you need for Why Reading is Important and about Reading Habits, If you're interested in the importance of reading, reading challenges, kids reading nooks or any reasons why reading is the BEST you'll find it here.