Nature through a Toddlers Eyes
You know those times with toddlers, when what you have planned doesn’t actually go as planned? That is just how this amazing day played out.
If you missed out on all of our wonderful pink and red activities, you should definitely check it out here. The pictures you are about to see, is what happened after we had spent time on our Valentine activities.
So this is what happened when I turned my back. Like many toddlers my Bells likes to climb. She saw something out the window that intrigued her and decided to go look.
Of course I’m always close by, so I stood next to her and let her watch and watch, and watch some more. At that moment I knew everything else could wait. This was a special time for her. She concentrated for a long time up on top of the bookcase (don’t worry that is not a regular thing).
Squirrels!!! That’s right we spent a good 30 minutes watching the squirrels run back and forth on our deck. Leaping on and off the trees and gathering corn that we left for them. These moments are why I truly believe in allowing the child to have plenty of time to lead.
I am so glad I live in a world with Octobers Visit Natural Beach Living’s profile on Pinterest.