
Ocean Sensory Bottle for Kids with Video

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Are you looking for an activity that has therapeutic and calming benefits for your little ones but is still fun? Look no further! This Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax and enjoy the serenity that comes with it. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child’s sensory activities.

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Ocean Sensory Bottle – A Great Way to Calm Anxiety and Stress

The Ocean Calming Sensory Bottle is the perfect tool for combating anxiety and stress. The calming blue color of the liquid mimics the colors of the ocean, creating an immersive and tranquil experience for its users.

A sensory bottle is a versatile tool that can be used anywhere and anytime when you’re feeling overwhelmed or anxious. A simple shake of the bottle will create a mesmerizing dance of bubbles that will help you regulate your breathing and start to feel more at peace.

With the Ocean Sensory Bottle, you can bring the calming sensation of the ocean with you anywhere you go.

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Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Bottle

Sensory bottles have become increasingly popular to help children regulate their emotions and reactions to stress.

One sensory bottle that can be incredibly relaxing is the ocean calming bottle.

To make one, you’ll need a clear plastic bottle or jar, a few simple supplies, and small items like seashells, plastic plants, or mini sea creatures.

Watching the items slowly float down in the water can be very calming, and the ocean theme can help children imagine themselves in a peaceful place.

Sensory bottles are great for children of all ages and can be especially helpful for those with sensory processing disorders or anxiety.

Under the Sea Sensory Jar

You can create a fascinating world inside a bottle that your toddler or preschooler will love exploring with just a few simple materials.

Five ideas for using your ocean sensory bottle

1. Flip the bottle upside down and watch the ocean “waves” and ocean creatures float and drift.

2. Name the creatures inside and practice counting them together.

3. Talk about the different colors and textures you see, and encourage your child to describe what they see and feel.

4. Create a calm-down corner by placing the sensory bottle near a cozy chair and encouraging your child to watch the ocean quietly when they feel upset or overwhelmed.

5. Use the sensory bottle as a starting point for art projects or imaginative play – encourage your child to draw pictures of the creatures they see or act out stories using the sensory bottle as a prop.

With so many ways to play, your ocean sensory bottle will surely be a hit with your little one!

Ocean Sensory Bottle

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Under the Sea Sensory Bottle with Baby Oil

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Start by placing your plant, seashells, or ocean creatures in your mason jar or clear bottle.

Add your glitter.

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Fill your jar slightly less than ¼ of the way with warm water.

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Add your baby oil and food coloring if desired.

Then fill your jar or bottle the rest of the way with warm water.

Add your dish soap, and secure your lid. 

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Shake up and enjoy watching the glitter fall around your ocean

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Under the Sea Sensory Bottle Supply List

  • 1 Mason Jar
  • Plastic Plant (cut to size)
  • Blue Glitter 
  • Warm Water
  • ¼ cup of Baby Oil 
  • 3 drops of Dish Soap 
  • Blue Food Coloring (optional)

Beach Sensory Bottle

With all of the helpful information provided, making an ocean sensory bottle for children is a great way for kids to relax and stay calm in overwhelming or anxious situations.

Not only does it help young minds focus on something soothing until they are ready to face their challenge, but it also fosters creativity as they explore the different objects placed within!

Consider these tips when making your own calming sensory bottle so it can become a handy tool.

So what are you waiting for?

Try these ocean activities today and start making your own Ocean Sensory Bottle!


45+ Ocean Summer Camp Theme Activities

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

100+ Under the Sea Preschool Theme Ideas with Activities

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

Ocean Waves Calming Sensory Jar is perfect for helping relieve stress, allowing your child to relax. Here, we’ll walk you through how to make our magical ocean sensory bottle at home in simple steps and see how it can be used as part of your child's sensory activities.

How to Make an Ocean Sensory Bottle

Ocean Sensory Bottle
Total Time
10 mins
  • 1 Mason Jar
  • Plastic Plant cut to size
  • Blue Glitter
  • Warm Water
  • ¼ cup Baby Oil
  • 3 drops of Dish Soap
  • Blue Food Coloring optional
  1. Start by placing your plant in your mason jar.
  2. Add your glitter.
  3. Fill your jar a little less than ¼ of the way with warm water.
  4. Add your baby oil and food coloring if desired.
  5. Then fill your jar the rest of the way with warm water.
  6. Add your dish soap, and secure your lid.
  7. Shake up and enjoy watching the glitter fall around your ocean plant.