Our Curriculum 2013-2014
Okay, so you know that girl that is always the last one to the party? I’m “that” girl this week 🙂 I have been planning on writing this for the past month and just never got around to actually doing it, so therefore it’s Thursday and I’m just getting to it. Well without further-ado, here is our plan for 2013-2014.
Blazey 4th grade and Blakey 2nd grade
Our HUGE change this year is we will be using Sonlight Core B & C. I love all of the books that Sonlight offers and the service at Sonlight is top notch. So after months of talking to my kids and praying a lot, we decided Sonlight would be a great fit for our family. Just in case you all are wondering if I will be stopping all of our unit studies due to a boxed curriculum, the answer is No Way. (smile) I will be using my own schedule for our Sonlight books and incorporating lot’s of hands on learning.
Grammar- First Language Lessons level 3 and First Language Lessons level 2.
Math- I use a lot of Living math, Math games, freebie packs, and workbooks. We LOVE Life of Fred.
Science- We do a lot of different things for Science, in these early years I am trying to make it exciting and fun. We have an ongoing nature study, we will also spend time on Unit Studies, such as the Solar System, Weather, Nutrition, Our bodies, and more. (Pinterest is my best friend when it comes to Science).
Blakey will be using All About Spelling
Artist Study- We have an Artist or Composer study each month. I make these up as I go, using the library and Simply Charlotte Mason as guides. However I have invested in a few great books which are Discovering Great Artists, and A Child’s Book of Art. I also love all of the books by Mike Venezia They offer great information and wonderful illustrations.
Handwriting- We use copywork pages that I find free around the internet, or I write out quotes for them to copy. I use a Charlotte Mason approach for handwriting, the children write for 5 minutes trying their best, whether they finish the page or not after 5 minutes they are done with handwriting for the day. (Handwriting is their least favorite thing, so this approach seems to work good).
We are continuing our sign language using Signing Time , ASL Flashcards, and lil pick me up songs and activities, I am also going to be adding in some beginner Spanish.
Looking forward to adding We Choose Virtues into our daily life
(We Choose Virtues wants to help you Simply Inspire Character that Lasts!)
Practical life skills-We will continue to work on Cooking, Cleaning up, Tying shoes, Building, Team work, the list goes on and on.
Little B has moved on to Kindergarten
I will be doing several different things with Little B this year.
Starting with our Calendar time (a new post on our updated calendar will be coming soon)
I have several great books planned from Sonlight and Fiar.
Little B will be starting All About Reading Level 1
I have also purchased the Bob books and was able to find some amazing free printables to use with them.
Math will be living (CM Approach) and lot’s of Manipulatives.
Little B will take part in all of our unit studies.
Incorporating a lot of educational fun games is important to us , things like Puzzle pairs, Rhyming houses, and Goodie games are some of our favorites.
We will build on our sight words each week, using our word of the week and our word wall. We will also be enjoying our Movable Alphabet more this year.
For Character building- We Choose Virtues.
Little B will also be learning more sign language with us this coming year. (please look above at the older boys if you are interested in the links)
Practical life skills will take place daily as we homeschool.
Baby Bell will enjoy Tot Play School
What is Tot play and why are you doing that, some of you may be asking/saying?
Tot play in our house is playtime with a purpose.
Some things we do are Sensory play, Discovery baskets, Stacking blocks, Transferring objects, Reading time, Walking time, and much more. Stay tuned for all of our fun pics.
Well there it is, our schooling for the next year. I am really looking forward to another great year at home with the kids. I hope this helps some of you on your journey, and if you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment or message me on facebook.
Linking up