DIY Spring Toddler Activities That Your Child Will Love
This month I decided to focus on Toddler Activities that we can make from things found in our home. Since Spring has almost arrived, and Earth Day is right around the corner, I figured it was the perfect time to use recyclable containers and DIY Spring Toddler Activities. These homemade activities are perfect for toddler Fine Motor fun.
Spring Toddler Activities
Spring is such a fun and exciting time for curious toddlers and preschoolers. So many things are changing with the seasons and there are so many different ways we can explore them with your toddlers.
DIY Spring Toddler Activities That Your Child Will Love
This fun DIY activity is easy to put together. Cut pipe cleaners in half (better for little hands) and use a clean creamer container.
Bells loves this easy to make activity. She can open and close the top by herself, and place the pipe cleaners in the hole. This activity works hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Excellent skills for toddlers to be working on.
Any canister with a lid will work for this. Just cut a circle in the top big enough for caps to fit through.
Spring Activities
This fine motor activity is easy to make and perfect for babies and toddlers to place items into a hole. This is very similar to the Montessori Imbucare Box.
Spring Color Sort Egg Carton
Color the egg carton in a pattern, and then discuss what color pom poms you’ll be using.
Bells worked on picking out the matching pom pom for each space. It’s amazing how you can recycle so many things you use regularly. You can also use tongs for extra fine motor work.
Spring Activities for 2 Year Olds
We also had block play with our DIY water colored blocks. Purchased at the craft store and painted with AP Certified watercolors.
Toss all of your play Jewelry onto a tray and see how your child plays with it. Bells loves playing with beads, so I thought it would be fun to get everything together in one pretty bin. You also might love this spring sensory play idea.
For more color activities for toddlers click here: Easy and Fun Activities for Teaching Toddlers Colors.
I hope this helps show you how you can turn things you have around the house into fabulous learning activities.
Toddler Activities
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