Reduce Waste Examples – How to Recycle More
Lately, we’ve been cleaning up the ocean and the environment more and more, and it got me thinking about how I wanted to share a few reduce waste examples with you. Making recycling a priority is a great way to do your part for our environment.
Plastics make their way into the ocean, the paper goes to waste forcing the cutting of more trees, and glass shatters and litters our beaches. When you make recycling a priority, you are helping to reduce your environmental impact and keep the earth clean. The hard part is finding ways to recycle more and throw away less every day.
How to Recycle More and Throw Away Less
Reduce Waste Examples
The first step to recycling more is to make recycling accessible to everyone in the house without any extra work.
Take a moment to build a recycling center. A recycling center could be a trash can next to the trash just for recyclables or a separate area to reduce confusion. Make sure it is always accessible to your family, so no one has to run out to the garage to put something in the recycling bin.
Get your family into the habit of cleaning containers out. You can not recycle dirty cans, bottles, and jugs. If you toss them in the recycling like that the facility will sort them right into the trash to save them time cleaning.
To help make your recycling make it to the final process make sure you do your part of cleaning out containers and crushing them to fit more in your tote every item.
Ways to Save the Earth
Teach your family what can and can not go into recycling. Showing them is a big part of helping your family recycle more. Many things that can go in the recycling bin get overlooked because people do not realize that those items are an option.
Check your local facilities rules and stick to them.
Place reminders around your home while your family is learning. A sheet on the refrigerator with a list of items they will find inside that should go into the recycling bin is a great place to start.
Living Green Ideas
Studies have shown that you will also love the following ideas if you like them. I have pulled them together for you right here!