The Snowy Day Snow Dough Recipe and Sensory Bin
Whether you live in a place where it snows a lot or you live in a place that never gets snow, Snow Dough is awesome! So many kids love sensory play, animals, and classic books so I decided to put them all together with a fun-filled day of hands-on activities and learning. Have you made snow dough yet?
Snow Dough Recipe Sensory Play with The Snowy Day
Homemade Snow Dough
Easy Snow Dough Recipe:
This recipe gives you enough snow dough for 2-3 children. Approx. 10 cups of snow. Not Edible!
12 oz. of conditioner (I used a whole small bottle of Alberto VO5 found at Walmart for $0.70
3 16oz. boxes of Baking Soda
Optional: Glitter and Essential oils
We used white glitter and 2 drops of Evergreen Essence Essential oil from Young Living
Freeze for 2 hours (optional) The freezing is just to make it colder, it turns out just like snow either way.
Have fun!
Checking out all of the different animal feet/tracks from these awesome Schleich animals. The children love how realistic these animals look.
Children love to look at animals and see how different they all are. A great book for this is Crinkleroot’s Guide to Walking in Wild Places and Crinkleroot’s Guide to Animal Tracking. These are a few of our all-time favorite animal books.
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