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Apple Bird Feeders
  • 2 cups Birdseed
  • 2/3 cup Water
  • 2 Packets Unflavored Gelatin
  • 4 Apples
  • 8 small screws
  • Twine
  1. Bring Water to a boil, add gelatin, and stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Mix the birdseed into this mixture.
  3. Cut the apples in half lengthwise and hollow out the insides with a spoon or knife.
  4.  Fill each apple with bird seed mixture, set on a sheet pan, and put in the fridge for 1-2 hours or until firm.
  5. Poke a screw into the top of each apple and tie a piece of twine to it.
  6.  Hang outside for all the birds to enjoy!