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Orange Bird Feeder
  • 1 Large Orange
  • 4 Wood Skewers
  • Twine
  • Birdseed
  1.  Cut the orange in half and scoop out all the fruit until just the orange peel bowls are left.
  2. Take a skewer and poke it through one side of the orange and out the other side crossing through the middle. Poke the other skewer through the opposite sides crossing over the first skewer through the middle.
  3. Cut 4 pieces of twine about 18 inches long each. Tie each end of the twine to each end of a dowel. Each orange bowl now has 2 twine hangers to hang the bird feeders from.
  4. Fill the orange bowls with birdseed and hang outside to watch the birds dine on the food.
  5. This is a fun project for parents to do with the kids!