Four Gift Rule for Christmas Printable and Free Christmas Gift Tags
Have you heard of the 4 gift rule? Get ready for a gift guide that will help you and your kids this Christmas! This simple holiday gift rule involves only giving your children 4 gifts. After the initial shock wears off, you might feel relief. I know I did. Keep reading to check out how you can tone down Christmas and grab this free Four Gift Rule for Christmas Printable to help.

Four Gift Rule for Christmas Printable
Giving just four gifts allows you to be more intentional, more meaningful, eliminates the feelings of overwhelm that come from getting tons of gifts at once, and ensures that each gift is something truly needed or wanted – something used, not wasted.
Below you’ll learn more about the 4 gift rule, how to make it work at your house this Christmas, and why you will love it.
What is the four gift rule?
Parents all over America are getting excited about the 4 gift rule. The idea is simple: you give your children only 4 gifts.
Gifts are divided into four categories including want, need, wear, and read. You choose one gift for your child that fits each category. For example, want might be the toy they have been asking for this year.
The need might be new winter boots or something for learning. Wear could be a t-shirt they will love or even a carefully chosen necklace.
Finally, read might be a new book, comics, or a kindle.
4 Gift Rule Variations
Alternatively, some parents are switching up the categories a bit to include experiences rather than focusing solely on tangible items.
Ideas like a membership to the aquarium, a trip to a museum, an online class for your childs interest.
To give your 4 gift rule a facelift, swap out the “wear” category with “go” and suddenly your gifts can also include trips to the zoo, a hiking trip, or even a gift card to your favorite ice cream place.
4 Gift Rule for Christmas

Why we love the 4 gift rule and how to tone down Christmas
After years of filling your living room with presents, countless hours shopping for gifts, and stuffing tons of presents under the tree, it can be sort of boggling to consider upending your Christmas gift giving in favor of the 4 gift rule.
The first year we decided to implement the rule, I was petrified that our children would somehow be disappointed with Christmas morning. I laid awake Christmas Eve night second guessing our decision, even though I felt strongly that we needed to make this change for our family. In the end, I didn’t need to worry.
Our Christmas morning was even more joyful!
No one was overwhelmed with too much stuff; they all got the things they truly wanted, and we all had so much more time! Click here for ways to reduce holiday stress for kids and click here for savings tips and a free shopping guide printable.
My husband and I spent time watching our children enjoy their gifts rather than frantically glancing from one child to the next in order to catch glimpses of everything being opened. Then, the children spent more time playing with their gifts and less time cleaning up, wrapping paper, or unpackaging items.
Finally, we all spent more time together having breakfast, sharing new experiences, and enjoying our Christmas.
In the end, the 4 gift rule gave us a wonderful Christmas experience.
Christmas Gifts
Ready to follow the 4 gift rule with your kids this year?

You can also go with a few unique gifts like these below.

I love this fun Cristmas Shirt

These Holiday Playdough Kits are so much fun and great to enjoy all year long.

Creative Christmas Gifts

Subscribe Here for Your Christmas Gift Printables and Tags
Find these under the Christmas Printable Section – Plus, over 300 FREE Printables and Lesson Plans
Get this printable 4 gift rule with lots of cute ideas and gift tags to help keep presents straight for all your kids and friends this year.
Then, share your favorite gift-giving traditions in the comment section.
25+ Christmas Gifts for Friends and Family

Check out these Elf on the Shelf ideas for even more Christmas fun.
60+ Elf on the Shelf Ideas