Gardening with Preschoolers – Planting and Gardening with Kids
Preschoolers are such a fun age for showing how to plant seeds and introducing plants and flowers into their life. This is a time when kids are extremely interested in the world around them and how everything works. If you’re thinking about starting a family garden this year or just want to enjoy some herbs on the counter then now is the time to start talking about gardening with preschoolers.
Gardening Ideas for Kids

Gardening with Preschoolers
Today I’m going to help you start teaching your child how to plant a garden so that you can enjoy gardening with preschoolers every spring season.
How to Teach Kids to Plant Seeds
When setting up to plant seeds with your preschoolers make sure you choose seeds that germinate quickly to keep those short attention spans from losing interest.
Children can explore, investigate, plant seeds and grow a garden in no time at all.
Start with a few of these easy seeds to grow:
- Lettuce
- Carrots
- Beans
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Peas
- Radish
- Sunflowers
- Marigolds
- Cucumbers
- Zinnias
These are definitely some of the best ideas for fast growing seeds for plants and vegetables to start with your kids.
Let’s get started…
How to Teach Your Child to Plant
Start Small
You’ll want to start small when it comes to teaching your child to plant. You can plant beans or a sunflower in a small indoor plant pot to teach your child to plan. You don’t have to have a large yard or space to start gardening with preschoolers.
Skills Learned from Gardening

Talk to your children about plants
A preschooler is more apt to enjoy gardening if they’re planting things that they’re interested in. Talk to your preschooler and find out what types of plants they’re most interested in growing. Start with small plants that are easy to grow at first.
Gardening Tools for Preschoolers
You’ll want to get your children some of their own gardening tools to teach your child to plan. There are many gardening tools for preschoolers at your local garden shop or online. Have your child pick out their favorite gardening tool kits to increase their excitement about this new venture.
Practice Patience
Lastly, you’ll want to let loose a little bit when it comes to gardening preschoolers. Your children may make a mess or water the plants too much. Be patient during this process and come from a place of kindness when helping your child learn to properly care for their new plants.
How does gardening help a child’s development?
Gardening with preschoolers teaches more than just the concept of growing your own food. There are many things that gardening helps with, such as teaching your children to have a sense of responsibility. It also builds self-confidence and helps with creativity.
Building Fine Motor Skills
As your child starts to put soil into the pots and use gardening tools for preschoolers to plant their food, they’ll be using their hands and fingers to pour, scoop, and push seeds and soil.
Another great way to work fine motor skills is to mist the soil with a squeeze bottle before and after planting.
This helps preschoolers develop strong fine motor skills that are necessary for use in their everyday life.

Preschool Gross Motor Skills in the Garden
Encouraging a love of gardening with preschoolers helps encourage gross motor skills and physical activity. Your children will be outdoors more. They will enjoy activities like carrying a water bucket or hose, helping to weed the garden, using a bucket or wheel barrel, water the plants and gather their harvest. This is an excellent way to encourage more physical activity among preschoolers.
Concentration Skills
Since gardening with preschoolers requires the use of tools and supplies to be brought from one area to another, it will help your children develop self-control and concentration skills. Carrying tools and other gardening supplies will take practice and patience as your child walks to the garden and tends to the garden with you.
Gardening with Kids
Gardening with preschoolers has so many amazing benefits and the process to include your child into gardening is relatively easy. This is an excellent activity to start teaching your preschoolers where food comes from and how to grow their own food for the better future of their health.
Click here for more seed activities to do with kids.
Preschool Garden Activities
Use these kindergarten and preschool gardening ideas for indoors and outdoors. Add them to your spring lesson plans, activities at home, or an extra way to enjoy nature with your children.
Flower Theme Lesson Plans for Preschool and Kindergarten

If you are looking for planting crafts, we have several great ideas here too. Enjoy!
Garden Ideas for Kids
Studies have shown that you will also love the following ideas if you like them. I have pulled them together for you right here!
Things Your Child Can Learn in the Garden

If you are looking for other gardening projects we have shared over 25 ideas here.
Garden Activities for Preschoolers

Planting Activities for Preschoolers
This garden project is fun and simple, plus the final results are gorgeous and bring beautiful colors to your average ceramic pot. It’s also a really cool painting marbling technique.