How to Make a Mason Bee Habitat – Perfect Life Cycle of a Bee Activities
We are learning all about different kinds of bees this month and building a Mason Bee Habitat. You might be wondering why we would want to help the bees, but bees are more important than a lot of people think. Today we are going to share a few tips on the importance of bees and show you how to make this beautiful DIY Mason Bee Home. We love including hands-on activities with our themed learning, and this is a great activity for everyone involved.
September is National Honey Month and who doesn’t love honey?! The purpose of having National Honey Month is to promote American beekeeping, the beekeeping industry, and honey as a natural and healthier sweetener. You can Help Save the Bees!
Life Cycle of a Bee Activities
Make a Mason Bee Habitat – Bee Activities for Kids
Mason bee’s pollinate but don’t sting, so they are great to make homes for. With our bee decline, a bee habitat is a great project to make.
Unfortunately, the bee decline is from insecticides, pesticides, climate change and more, so teaching your children about bees or learning about them yourselves is the first step to change.
The 2nd step is by providing the bees a safe place to live, which is another reason we wanted to share how to make a mason bee habitat.
DIY Mason Bee Habitat
What you will need to make your Mason Bee Habitat is in this picture below. However, I have it displayed in list form to print out towards the bottom of the page. Have fun helping the bees!
DIY Mason Bee Home
Start by saving a can or purchase a cheap can of something at the store to use 😉 Paint the outside of the can yellow and let it dry. If you are building this with your children painting the can is a great job for them to do.
Paint 2 black stripes around the can and let it dry.
Using a nail and hammer, pound 2 little holes in the can, one on each end of the sidewall.
Tie a piece of string through the holes, so you have a hanger for your bee house.
Place all the bamboo pieces in the can, making sure they are snug. This is another great job for your child to do.
Hang your Bee house outside in your favorite tree and wait for the bees to move in.
The national media regularly features dire stories on honeybee colony collapse and its danger to our food supply. But there’s another, an unsung bee that has the potential to save the planet… the mason bee. – Mason Bee Revolution
Mason Bee House
What’s Needed
- 1 Tin Can (empty canned good works well)
- Bamboo pieces, length of can and enough to fit tightly inside
- Craft Paint or Spray Paint, yellow and black
- Paintbrush
- String
- Hammer and Nail
1. Paint the outside of the can yellow and let dry.
2. Paint 2 black stripes around the can and let dry.
3. Using the nail and hammer, pound 2 little holes in the can, one on each end of the sidewall.
4. Tie a piece of string through the holes, so you have a hanger for your house.
5. Place all the bamboo pieces in the can, making sure they are snug.
6. Hang your Bee house outside in your favorite tree and wait for the bees to move in.
Have fun!
Make it a Bee Unit Study
Whether you are rowing The Bee Tree like us or enjoying a bee unit study, we wanted to share some of these hands-on activities with you.
You can extend your Bee unit study by reading books about Bees, learning about the bee life cycle, make playdough, try out candle making, and taste test a variety of honey. These bee activities have been so much fun. And we’ve liked learning about different types of bees.
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Interested in Teaching Your Child The Bee Life Cycle Click Here
Congratulations, you are making a difference. Just reading this and learning more about bees is awesome. Thank you for visiting and feel free to leave a comment below.
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