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DIY Seed Bombs

How to make seed bombs with recycled paper

  • 6 pieces of Construction Paper assort. colors
  • 3-5 pkg. Flower Seeds
  • Food Processor
  • Scissors
  • Water
  1. Cut each piece of paper into about 1-inch squares and put them into a small dish. Keep each paper color in its own dish.
  2. Fill each dish with water just until the paper is covered. Soak the paper for about 20 minutes.
  3. Take one of the bowls of paper and wring it out about halfway. Put it in the food processor and pulse the paper into a pulp. Repeat this with all the paper colors and put the pulp back into each of their bowls.
  4. Sprinkle some seeds into each bowl of paper, mix them in a little, and press the pulp and seeds into balls. If the pulp is a little dry, put a few sprinkles of water on the pulp. It will help it to hold its shape better.
  5. Set the seed balls on a sheet pan to dry overnight.
  6. Plant in your garden or anywhere you want flowers to grow.