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Homemade Pine Cone Bird Feeders
  • Pinecones
  • Creamy Peanut Butter
  • Birdseed
  • Twine or String
  • Optional: screws
  1. Spread Peanut Butter all over the pinecone. You can also put your peanut butter in a separate bowl and dip or roll your pine cone in it.
  2. Pour your Birdseed into a separate bowl.
  3. Dip peanut butter coated pine cone into bird seeds.
  4. Put a small screw into the bottom of the pinecone and tie Twine around the screw for hanging your pine cone bird feeders.
  5. Optional: Tie twine directly to the pinecone for hanging
Recipe Notes

Some people have told me they prefer to tie the twine on beforehand, but I've noticed when I did it that way with my kids, the strings were a mess at the end. So this mama prefers the cleaner way