
35+ Best Earth Day Activities for Kindergarten

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With April just around the corner, parents and teachers will be revving up to teach kids about caring for the earth with some fun and educational activities. You’ll find plenty of great spring activities here on this list of earth day activities for kindergarten. Schedule several of these for the month of April, or choose a few to do on Earth Day.

You and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care of the earth.

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Earth Day Activities for Kindergarten

Whether you’re looking for a yummy Earth Day snack, fun games, simple crafts, or exciting science experiments, you’ll find lots of inspiration here.

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Earth Day Activities for Kindergarten from Natural Beach Living

Earth Day Writing Prompts

Use our Earth Day Writing Prompts to spark conversation with your kids or students about different ways they can care for the Earth. There’s plenty of room for drawing pictures on these printable sheets, which is perfect for kids who prefer drawing to handwriting at this age.

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Teaching Kids About Pollution

Teach kids about pollution with our creative air, land, and water pollution activities. This is a very hands-on way for kids to see what various forms of pollution look like.

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Ocean Pollution Activities

Get your kids’ toys involved in the Earth Day activities! If you have some ocean animals and boats, you can recreate the scenes from this activity. It’s an excellent visual that demonstrates just how damaging pollution is to marine life.

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Shaving Cream Marbled Paper Activity

We love creating the marble effect on so many materials, and this marbled paper activity in blues and greens looks like the earth’s surface! Once it’s dry, and you’ve displayed it for Earth Day, recycle it into a background for a framed piece of art or use it as gift wrap for a small gift.

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Earth Day Salt Dough Necklaces

Create some gorgeous salt dough necklaces that pay homage to our incredible planet earth. Wear them throughout the year as a reminder that we need to take care of our planet and its resources.

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Free Earth Day Scavenger Hunt and Activities

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

And here are some of our favorite Earth Day Activities for Kindergarteners from other awesome websites:

Fun Earth Day Activities for Kindergarten

Earth Day Toasts from mykidslickthebowl.com: Start the day off right with a yummy earth-themed breakfast for the kids! Use a round cookie cutter to cut bread into circles, toast it, and then follow the directions for making cream cheese in various shades. Looks tasty!

Earth Day Printable Headband from simpleeverydaymom.com: This simple cut and color craft is fun to make and wear. Use it at school to create a classroom of school full of little ones who care about the earth.

Bottle Planters from hisugarplum.com: Upcycle plastic bottles by turning them into planters. This is a fantastic way to start small plants and herbs. Plus, growing plants is great for teaching kids about how plants produce oxygen and help filter the air.

Newspaper Earth Day Craft from iheartcraftythings.com: This lovely craft teaches kids a great lesson about recycling materials when possible. In this case, a newspaper is recycled to create a gorgeous piece of art. It’s an excellent activity for an afternoon of crafting.

Earth Day Activities for Kids

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Earth Day Color by Numbers Pages from simplefunforkids.com: These mini coloring pages are perfect for the classroom. They’re simple and fun, and you can print enough for the entire class on a few sheets of paper.

earth day handwriting from 3 Boys and a Dog: These handwriting pages are free, fun, and easy and they can be done independently!

Earth Day Cupcakes with a Surprise from simplytodaylife.com: Cupcakes are the perfect way to celebrate the day! These have a surprise in the middle to teach kids about the earth’s core.

Stained Glass Earth Suncatchers from craftsonsea.co.uk: Decorate your windows in the gorgeous blue and green colors of the earth.

Paper Plate Earth Heart Craft from nontoygifts.com: For little ones with an interest in sewing, this can be a great starter project. It’s a paper plate earth with a yarn heart in the middle. This is a wonderful opportunity to build fine motor skills.

Earth Day Handprint Craft from the-gingerbread-house.co.uk: Turn the kids’ handprints into a fun paper model of the earth. The handprint looks like a continent!

Earth Day Activities at Home

Handprint Earth Craft from simpleeverydaymom.com: Earth is wearing her party hat to celebrate her big day. How cute! You’ll definitely want to save this beautiful handprint craft in your scrapbook.

Earth Day Beginning Sounds Clip Cards from simplefunforkids.com: Here’s another excellent classroom resource. Laminate them to use them year after year. You’ll need some clothespins for clipping, which gives kids some fine motor practice along with learning their letter sounds.

Explore the Outdoors from dayswithgrey.com: What better way to celebrate the earth than to explore the outdoors and all that Mother Nature has to offer? Collect items from outside and sort them into categories, use them to create art, or just enjoy touching and studying them.

Fingerprint Earth Day Craft from craftsonsea.co.uk: This fun, hands-on craft is perfect for little ones. Even toddlers and preschoolers can get in on the fun with this fingerprint craft.

Earth Day Projects

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Earth Day Skip Counting Puzzles from simplefunforkids.com: If your kindergarteners are working on skip counting by twos, this activity is perfect for Earth Day. The file contains multiple puzzles, and students will be able to put the puzzle together by arranging the numbers in the correct order.

Torn Paper Earth Craft from craftsonsea.co.uk: Kindergarteners can complete this craft totally independently, so it’s a great choice for home or the classroom. All you need is the earth template, some construction paper, and glue. Simple!

Free Printable Earth Day Bingo from artsyfartsymama.com: Play a few rounds of Earth Day Bingo to celebrate the day. You could even offer earth-themed prizes like an extra 20 minutes outdoors, some new seeds to plant in the garden, or a new flower pot.

Earth Day Discovery Bottles from littlebinsforlittlehands.com: These discovery bottles are themed with blue and green colors to represent the oceans and the land, except for the nature bottle, which uses items collected from nature. Your kids will love exploring the various bottles and learning about the different science concepts.

3D Earth Craft for Kids from nontoygifts.com: Kids have the option of coloring the earth for this project or using the colored version. They’ll get to use their scissor skills to cut the circles and hearts used in this adorable project.

Free Earth Day Activities

Earth Day Math Sensory Activity from Fun-a-Day: Explore math in a fun way! This pairs number recognition with sensory fun for a great hands-on math experience for your kindergartener.

Planet Earth Craft from gosciencekids.com: For kids who enjoy getting their hands dirty, this earth craft will be loads of fun. Once the earth template is painted, glue dirt to the paper for the landmasses.

Chalk Earth from theeducatorsspinonit.com: Go outdoors and use chalk to draw the earth on the sidewalk or driveway. If you do lots of traveling, you can even mark the places you’ve visited with a special color.

Tissue Paper Earth Day Craft from somewhatsimple.com: Kids can either cut tissue paper into squares, or you can use pre-cut tissue paper available in the craft section to make this Earth Day craft. It’s easy and fun!

Earth Day Activities for Students

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.

Lorax Earth Day Craft from nontoygifts.com: The Lorax is an excellent character to study on Earth Day. This combines one of our favorite Dr. Seuss characters with a fun, earth-themed craft. It’s a wonderful reminder that we all need to do our part to better care for the earth.

Healthy Earth Day Snack from theeducatorsspinonit.com: Set up a healthy snack station for the kids. This snack made with rice cakes, fruit, and cream cheese is yummy, and you can make it look like the earth!

Upcycled Plastic Suncatchers from booksandgiggles.com: Help your kids cut out the plastic circles, and draw the outlines on the globe and other designs. Then, kids can color in their suncatchers with markers. They’ll look beautiful hanging outdoors or in the window.

Playdough Earth Model from 123homeschool4me.com: Make some homemade playdough (or store-bought is fine), and build a model of the earth from the core all the way outward to the crust.

Earth Day Baking Soda Slime from steamsational.com: Enjoy some sticky, slimy fun on Earth Day! This slime recipe is Borax-free, which is great if your kids have a sensitivity to Borax. You’ll need blue and green food coloring to create the colors of the earth.

Coffee Filter Earth Painting from funwithmama.com: Build fine motor skills while learning about the planet. Once the coffee filters are dry, you could string them together to create a lovely Earth Day banner.


Pin these Earth Day activities for kindergarten to come back to whenever you need an activity to teach kids about taking care of the earth!

Earth Day Crafts

You'll find over 40 great Earth day activities for kindergarten, Earth Day Projects and Crafts that you and the kids will have a blast making models of the earth, learning about pollution, and talking about ways to better care for the earth.