Search Results for: books

Hands on Learning Activities (Linky 33)
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Hands on Learning Activities (Linky 33)

Hands on learning is the best! It provides so many benefits for the child, such as enhancing creativity, helping children focus, and retention of the materials. Plus hands on learning has been proven to activate more parts of the brain which means absorbing and remembering more. Oh and did I tell you how much fun it is…

DIY Fall Montessori Math Activities (Free Printables)
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DIY Fall Montessori Math Activities (Free Printables)

I absolutely love incorporating the seasons into our learning. Don’t you? I hope you do because I have so many fun things planned for us. For the next month, it will be all about apples. To start us out I am sharing fabulous fall DIY Montessori math activities that we have been enjoying. If you love incorporating Montessori into your life these DIY posts…

Montessori & Waldorf Inspired Homeschool Room
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Montessori & Waldorf Inspired Homeschool Room

This is always a fun time of year. Everyone is still enjoying the fun days of summer, but we are all gearing up for a new school year. I also love getting to check out homeschool rooms and learning what works and what doesn’t for others. Today 12 months of Montessori is back with a peek inside…

35+ Fun-Filled Preschool Themes
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35+ Fun-Filled Preschool Themes

The preschool years are so much fun. Your child is learning and discovering new things every day. I loved teaching preschool! I loved creating preschool themes every week and exploring them with the children. Now it’s even more exciting for me to use themed learning while we homeschool. Today you will see over 35 different preschool themes with…

Montessori Music Activities for Preschoolers (Free Printables)
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Montessori Music Activities for Preschoolers (Free Printables)

We are back with our 12 months of Montessori learning series. I can’t even tell you how much I love this series. It makes me so happy to share Montessori activities with you. Today you will see some great ideas for Montessori inspired music for preschoolers. Don’t miss the awesome free printables for musical instruments towards the…